
The Testing Center is committed to providing testing services to pp电子极速糖果 students, 科罗拉多西部社区的校友和成员. The Testing Center proctors for a large variety of national testing programs including GED, PRAXIS and GRE. 此外,测试中心是一个 程序测试中心 并致力于为所有Prometric客户服务. 具体考试时间请联系考试中心.

  • 有关考试的具体信息,请参阅日历下面的选项卡.
  • CMU在线考试或KINE 100测试都可以进行现场测试, with the exception of testing at the Montrose Testing Center and all exams during finals week. 我们的营业时间见下面的日历.
  • CMU在线课程的排课是通过D2L完成的. Please contact your professor or visit the "CMU Online" section below for instructions on how to schedule your exam.
  • 要安排所有其他考试,请访问 RegisterBlast 




The items listed below are not allowed in the Testing Center which are explained in the 检测中心规程和规定. 如果这些物品被带到中心, 它们需要被锁在你的储物柜里,直到你完成测试.

Cell Phones - Food or drink - Hats - Notes (unless approved by instructor) - Sunglasses - Mechanical pencils or pens - Textbooks (unless approved by instructor) - Watches

